The week preceding the 3rd December, our school honoured the International Day of Persons with Disabilities organising a variety of activities that aimed to raise our students’ awareness of various conditions of disability and the difficulties disabled individuals face in every aspect of life. The events were coordinated by the two Special Education teachers and held in groups in the Special Education classroom, so that all students can meet the place where their classmates with special needs attend some of their classes.

Eventually, on the 3rd December, the students of the 6th grade explored “able” words and got involved in a class discussion about what people are “able” to do and that we are not all capable of doing the same things. They also debated on how “people are all different and none of us are the same”. After deliberating on the subject of diversity, difference and how boring life would be if we were all the same, the students produced an acrostic poem about DIVERSITY, through brainstorming. The posters produced by the two classes of 6th graders were showcased on our Active Citizen Corner board and proudly admired by everyone!