Our Erasmus+ Project “Breaking out of our shell to nurture global citizens” has already entered the main stage of its implementation with the first two members of our teaching staff, Mr Athanasios Siatras and Mr Ioannis Tsotsakis, travelling to Florence, Italy, from the 18th to the 25th November to participate in the educational course “Build your App, learn your students how to build their Apps”.

For five days, from 9:00 to 13:30, our two participants were given the change to acquire skills in designing applications for mobile phones and tablets; to discover the possibilities of the widely used platform MIT App Inventor and to understand the underlying logic; to investigate other application that can be used for educational purposes; to build their own applications with a range of complexity, but also to test their applicability in everyday school life.

In addition, mainly during the afternoon hours, they had the change to network with educators from various European countries (Spain, Estonia, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, and others) and to exchange impressions concerning the topic of the course, but also information on the education systems of their countries. Moreover, they visited important sights of Florence and in the surrounding area of Tuscany, also getting a closer view of the Italian culture especially of the Renaissance period. Last but not least, they improved their English and Italian language skills.

Our teachers were excited to communicate their experience to the other members of the staff and they are organising an information event for the dissemination of the learning outcomes to colleagues, students and parents.