Our “This is my school” project continued over March and April.

We held a carnival mask competition and our school won first prize in the contest. You can see all our participations along with the winner mask in the following ebook.

The 5th Primary School of Evosmos Carnival mask Competition

Later on , we presented our school (with photographs and narrations recorded by our students)along  with students from the other schools in a collaborative presentation , which you can watch below

Our schools’ presentations

Following that , our music teacher recorded a song with our students . You can watch it along with the songs recorded by our partner schools’ students in the following link

Our songs

Finally , we held a very successful online meeting with the school from Spain ,Ceip Ntra Sra Del Rosario, Alhama de Murcia, Spain , which was a lot of fun for our students . They had the opportunity to present themselves in English and communicate with their fellow students from Spain , regarding their interests and favorite pastimes.You can see a picture from the meeting below.


Happy Easter to everyone from our school .